What is different about this rescue operation is that 28 slave masters were taken into custody, sending a strong message to the other slave masters in the area that slavery has serious consequences.
Of the 116 precious children rescued, 20 are in the care of George. While I am celebrating their freedom, I am also aware of the increasing resources needed to care for these children.
Please continue to provide prayer and support for our fundraising for the children's 3 classroom unit. While the fundraising goal has not changed (it will still only take $30,000 to build the school) the need has increased, it's more important than ever for this to be built.
We have created a new blog button for our Ghana project. Please feel free to circulate it!

How did I miss this post? I am thrilled to hear of so many children being freed! Praying for their spirits to be healed.
This is definitely something to rejoice about; yet my heart is still heavy. De
Praise God! George is just slapping those giants right in the face, isn't he? :) I know God is going to use you to help bring healing in those children's lives. Oh, and I added you button :)
P.S...this is Becca from SheBecomes. I can't leave any comments on Blogger when I'm signed in, guess they are still having some glitches.
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