Our coffee table overflows with bright yellows, lively reds, bold blues, and every color combination imaginable, reminding me of one of my favorite childhood memories -- gathering school supplies with my mom each August as we prepared for another school year to begin.

Swim shorts – for those “Left Behind”

African-American dolls (even though they appear much lighter in the sunlight) -- ready to be held, loved and nurtured by little girls.
All the rest, along with the harvest that Tia and Debra have gathered, will be supplied to the children we will be working with at the Village Of Life.
Prayer requests:
Everything that we're bringing was carefully chosen, with the lessons learned in "UnPoverty" kept in mind. Providing to developing countries must be done delicately and sensitively, so as not to bring more harm than good. Please continue to pray that we will provide wisely and that the children will be blessed by our efforts.
We are still in need of a few specific items -- hand pumps for soccer balls (3), wall mounted pencil sharpeners (3, metal construction), toothpaste, toothbrushes, bandaids.
Travel Expenses: As the end of the school fundraising approaches, we will be focusing our efforts on separate fundraising for in-country travel expenses. We are trusting God to continue to provide for this.
As always, pray for the children being rescued, and the children left behind -- all over the world, not just in Ghana. Slavery is at all time high -- there are currently more slaves in the world than there have ever been, 80% of which are women and children... 50% of which are children.
To read more about our Ghana project: Africa: Child Slavery Rescue 2011
Please note:
Although the Paypal Chip-In button displays our current Chip-In total of $3961.10, we are currently at nearly $14,000, through donations made to our non-profit account at Interlink Ministries.
It may seem as though $14,000 is a long way from our goal of $30,000 to build the school, but rejoice and continue to pray and support this project -- we have great news to share very soon! In the meantime, the harvest continues. There is much work to be done... grateful to be working alongside of you in this.