While in Honduras with Compassion, there was something that I noticed right away about the children attending the Compassion programs...
Even though their home environments were unlike any we'd ever seen or experienced...
Children living in shacks built along landfills...
Homes without running water...
Barefooted babies and toddlers running around barefoot in garbage stewn neighborhoods...

The children supported by Compassion were not only smiling and laughing, with bright and happy faces... but they were also very clean and well kept.
Along with everything else, Compassion helps the children learn the importance of hygiene, and many times, we could tell which children were Compassion kids simply by how squeaky clean they were.
Compassion leaves no stone unturned in their holistic approach to breaking the cycle of poverty.
I've tried hard to teach the importance of hygiene to my kids, and still they grumble... "What do you mean I have to wash my hands, I washed them last week!" (Seriously. Seriously!)
Not these kids!

They were thankful for the opportunity.
So true. Beautiful pictures of such beautiful smiles :)
Love the pictures!
Oh, the things we take for granted. When washing your hands is a luxury, you're not likely to forget.
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