A while ago, during one of many Compassion Blogger trips, I heard words that resonated deeply into my heart. "Live simply, so that they may simply live." As far as I recall, those were the words of Shaun Groves.
That kind of commitment doesn't happen overnight... once it catches your heart, it seeps through your life slowly, rooting itself very deeply into your every decision.
It's a commitment to live out your beliefs intentionally.
I have been praying about sponsoring one more child. There are two boys I had been praying about over the last few weeks. I've also been praying about the children I'll meet in Honduras next week, those still in need of a sponsor.
I wanted to be sure I thought it through carefully, it's not a commitment I make lightly.
These aren't just photos, they are children.
It's not that we have much in terms of what "much" means in this world, we're just your average North American family just doing what we can to scratch out a living. No, what we have isn't much... what we have, though, is "much more". Much more than Ato Sam Kwakwa and his 8 siblings have over in Ghana, in terms of financial and material wealth. What he has, though, in terms of what he can teach me about the Gospel, about Jesus, is much more than I have on my own.
I need him. He needs me.
I needed God to help me find a way to provide.
At first, the sponsorships we had were supported through a bit of extra. Some months were difficult to provide that bit of extra, some months less so. With Ato Sam, it was different. I wanted to live out Shaun Groves' words even deeper in order to make that commitment to Ato Sam. The commitment needed to come with sacrifice.
Yesterday, I treated myself to lunch at a nearby food court, a rare treat, a few times a month at most. As I looked at my receipt, and then at the food on my plate, I knew. I knew I couldn't lightly do that again.
For $10, 4 times a month, I can eat out. Grab some "fast food" and skip the hassle of making my own lunch... and spend the rest of the afternoon trying to digest the food, and the cost.
For $10, 4 times a month, I can fast from fast food, and Ato Sam can have a month's worth of his needs provided for. Dental care, medical care, education, family provisions, life skills, counseling and guidance... food... and beyond that, Gospel teachings, the eternal food that will never leave him hungry.
I got back to the office, picked up the phone, and welcomed Ato Sam into our family.

Delivering children from poverty isn't complicated... it's a choice.
It's a choice... more of Him, less of me.
Besides -- what if staying away from fast food didn't just improve my health, but saved a life too? What if giving up fast food changed my heart for the better?
Is there something you'd like to give up today? All it takes is giving up one Starbucks Latte a month, and you too can sponsor a child... ok, ok, maybe one and a half Starbucks... will you join me?
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