In one of the homes we visited today, the men had rigged up a makeshift electrical system that enabled them to have power to their small home. How exactly they did this, we're not sure. I can't imagine how dangerous it would have been to do this without the safety precautions we take for granted back home.

Why would they risk their lives for this? One reason. Survival.
Survival, in this case, also means "fire hazard".

It's a powerful reminder of what we're here to witness, to see, to understand. The reality of what extreme poverty is like for these children, these families.
The sponsorship photos aren't just photos... they are real children. Real children with real needs. Children like Justin, who lives in the home we visited today. This little boy's somber countenance matched the seriousness of the situation in his home.

Twelve people live in this home, two couples, one single mom, and seven children in total. Two beds. Twelve people... two beds. At most, this home may be 12 feet by 12 feet, with a dirt floor, a wall that is pieced together at best, and two mattresses raised on bricks to avoid the flooding that often happens in this slum. They do not own the land or have running water. They are squatters facing eviction at any time.

Justin does not yet have a sponsor. Sponsorship would provide so much for this child and this family. To say their situation is desperate would be an understatement.
He is not alone. Of the 41,000 children registered with Compassion in Honduras, he is one of 6000 children in Honduras still awaiting sponsorship.
Making a difference in the life of a child like Justin IS possible. Perhaps you are the sponsor he has been waiting for... a sponsor who is a powerful reminder to Justin that he matters, he is loved, and that there is hope for him. That God knows his name.
When the mom hugged me before we left, she hung on to me for dear life and started to sob... we were both in tears... I explained via the translator that she was not alone, that she was a great mom, to not be discouraged by the world around her, but to place her hope in the things that were unseen... I told her we would never forget her, and that we loved her and would pray for her and her household. I reminded her to stay strong, but to keep her heart soft.
Powerful hug.
Powerful prayer.
Powerful experience.
Powerful reminder.

For sponsorship from Canada, please click here, or email me at JD (at) .
For sponsorship from the U.S.A., here is a link from my friend Kristen, a U.S. advocate for Compassion.
Oh I desperately want to sponsor that little boy.... My husband doesn't feel so strongly about Compassion as I do, and so he won't let me add on another child. (I understand though, he lost his job in March....) I sure hope someone comes through for this family! Praying... Michelle in Memphis
Michelle -- I understand, my husband has come a long, long way in supporting our sponsorships, but we are also at our limit. Join me in praying for Justin -- together, we'll find him a sponsor through prayer!
Thanks so much for your encouragement and support on this trip, it means so much to me!!
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