As part of
One Word 2011, I'm committing to running 100kms between now and my first 5k race. The race is on March 26th in Michigan. I'd also like to ditch another 11lbs along the way, bringing the total lost to 90lbs.

I'm also planning on
running surviving a
half marathon in October. The training and fitness challenge will help me be in the best shape possible for our mission trip to Africa this fall. I don't quite know what my goal will be for this one, perhaps I'll choose one after my race in March.
What are your short term goals?
Would you be willing to share them in the comments so that they can be added to this post? We can pray for each other's progress, encourage each other, help keep track of our progress and hold each other accountable. While you do that... I'll get started!
I love your determination and am so excited to see you not only start something with great passion but see you finish it with determination.
One of my goals for this year is being able to share my story and the gospel with many people -including those who I am close to and complete strangers. I want to have God's heart for these people and be fearless in telling them about his love.
ps this post means more than you know (and just maybe I'll tell you how so)
You go girl!
goals...I need to make some of those :) Really though, my goal is to pay off my student loans this year, as well as raising money for a new project in Zimbawbe. I really should make some health goals too... I'll have to think about those and get back to you :)
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