I like a challenge, so I started looking through blog posts, and decided to split the topics up into two. The letter writing process, and the life of the sponsored children.
The letter writing process is near and dear to our hearts. With 76 letters sent out last year, and that number expected to increase to over 120 in 2011, we are always eager to read the 'behind the scenes' posts on the letter writing process.
1 -- This one is specific to Ghana. Ghana is where Ato Sam lives, and where we're heading this fall. It's also the country we write to and receive letters from the most often.
Letter Writing: Ghana
2. Here's another letter writing post, but from a translation point of view. It highlights Honduras, where I traveled in June-July of 2010 and spent time with two of our sponsored children. Jackie was one of our trip guides -- I miss her so much!
Translation: Honduras
3. I also loved this one based in Thailand. I love the care and attention given to each letter, and I can attest to it -- the letters we get from Suwanna are very well done. I'm so grateful for translators... I could probably manage with the Spanish, but not Thai!!
Translation: Thailand
4. Kids really do say the funniest things! Ato Sam once told us that he had to cut his letter short because his project worker needed a break (he writes 5-8 pages at a time!)... and he signs all of his letters with "End Of Message". This post highlights all the funny things other sponsor's kids have said over the years.
Funny Things Kids Say
5. Then, there's the other side of letter writing... the children whose sponsors have never written. I can't think of letter writing without thinking of Wilson, the boy we met on our first day in Honduras. In the 9 years he's been sponsored, he has never received a single letter, card or note. I know this post isn't on Compassion's blog, but it was a favorite from our time in Honduras.
Power Of The Written Word

Justin, June 2010
Posts that offer a glimpse into the life of the children we sponsor are especially appreciated. Although some are very difficult to imagine as we sit comfortably elsewhere in the world, it doesn't make their reality any less real. These reminders are what keeps us advocating for these precious kids.
1. Although this may be one of their hardest posts to read, it's at the top of my list because it hits home. The extreme poverty we have witnessed in developing countries may be unique to those countries, but the difference with this story is that it's also happening right here in North America, and it's not limited to the rough end of our towns and cities, it's in your white picket fence suburbs, your affluent neighborhoods, it's next door to each of us.
Behind The Facade
2. This wasn't on Compassion's website, but it was a post written by Brad Ruggles during a Compassion Blogger trip to Kenya, and offers a glimpse of the strength and beauty that can arise from one of the most desperate places to live. Compassion Blogger Kristen Welch compared this slum to visiting "hell".
Father to the Fatherless -- the story of Eliud
3. Another unforgettable post from Brad Ruggles written during his Compassion Blogger trip to Kenya... it shows how little it takes to break the poverty cycle. Overwhelmed by too much neeed? Why not start by helping one? See how $6 made a difference in the life of this entire family!
Breaking The Cycle of Poverty
4. The reality for many woman living in India, and the hope that survives.
Hope Breaks Into A Tortured Life
5. Last but not least, my favorite post from my trip to Honduras. Meet Justin, and learn about his reality.
Powerful Reminder
What are your favorite Compassion blogs or posts?
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